Tyler in Baby BJorn carrier (48 mb file, high speed internet only) 4 Generations of Cenci boys!! Great Grandpa Cenci with Tyler!! Great Grandpa, Tyler, Kathleen, & Chris Update #5 (3/22/07 7:30pm): The flood gates have opened. Kathleen, Tyler, and I are doing well and have the energy to have visitors. Last weekend Kerri-Ann and Aunt Barbara joined us. This week we had Chris & Katie Manion here yesterday, and Great Grandpa Cenci here this afternoon. The photo of the three boys spans 4 generations of Cenci boys over 85 years. Hopefully this weekend we can add Papa (my dad) to have all four together. Uncle Phil, Uncle Chris, & Aunt Terry also joined us today, for a fun afternoon. After they left we took our first walk (helping Kathleen to not feel so trapped). We put Tyler in the stroller and walked around our little neighborhood, it was beautiful outside. We have some family & friends planning on visiting this weekend. If you'd like to stop by please call ahead so we can pick a good time. So far we've managed at most 2 consecutive visits in a day, each about 2 hours long (between feedings). If we are able to, we'll do our best to make it happen. WE look forward to introducing Tyler to you all. Enjoy the photos!
Update #3 (3/18/07 10:00pm): Just a quick update here. Tyler was born at St. Peters Hospital in New Brunswick. They took some "official" Hospital Photos while in the nursery. As most hospital photos go, they dont look like him completely and we got some cute ones of our own. Anyway, that being said, these links are for the hospitals photo site. They offer good resolution photos of thier shots. I guess Tyler was photogenic because the tech made two pages for him (I don't know why). She got some fun ones of his feet and others.
St. Peters Hospital Photos for Tyler (Page 1 of 2) Those Photos in Snapfish Feel free to Use - User Name: login@cencifamily.com and Password: login to login in to Snapfish. As the days pass we're getting better at all the daily tasks of parenting and are looking forward to having visitors (please call first and be flexible). I'll keep you all updated as time passes, but for now here are some photos from Tylers first week. Enjoy!! Please Use - User Name: login@cencifamily.com and Password: login to login in to Snapfish. Update #1 (3/12/07 10:35pm): We're home (Mon Evening)!! Everything is going great so far. I hope to get more photos up here soon. Being home has presented challenges, given I 've only changed a diaper with the hospitals diaper, wipes, ointment, recieving blankets, etc. Now we are adjusting to all our things being different (many size blankets, odd location of things). It's going fine, just will keep us busy trying to make the needed adjustments. Kathleen is a great, mom and is making great progress with feeding Tyler. Fortunatley tonight she can sleep more. My mom is here helping us and there are no doctors poking and prodding baby and mom (whew!!). I'll try to get more up here soon, but until then thanks for checking. We're happy to have such support from family and friends. Initial Announcement (within 3 hours of birth): Kathleen and I would like to announce the birth of our first child. Tyler Christopher Cenci was born March 10th, 2007 at 7:27pm. Mom and Baby are doing well and are expected to go home from the hospital soon. |